Football Manager 2008 Gold Demo Released

Here’s the good news you’ve all been waiting for …

We’re off to play the demo, the wonderful demo of FM. Or something.
Now, before you all rush off to download, some important information, as it could all get a bit confusing, so please read the following!There are demo’s for all 3 versions of the game, and for both formats (PC & Mac), the games being:
Worldwide Soccer Manager (for USA, Canada and Mexico) Futbol Manager (for the rest of South and Central America) Football Manager (everyone else).

You can find full details of each download by going to and clicking on the logo of the game you wish to get a demo of. That will take you to the download page for each version of the game, so that you can see which leagues and languages the demo comes with, and download it.

With the demo of Football Manager, there are 2 versions – “vanilla” and “strawberry”. The “vanilla” version has no logos, only English and Scottish leagues, no player pics, no player histories etc, no facegen pictures and is available exclusively via the News of the World link, with huge thanks to for hosting.

The “strawberry” demo of Football Manager has all assets, facegen, and all the things that the vanilla demo doesn’t have, just like the extra flavour a strawberry milkshake would over a vanilla one. It includes English, Danish, Swedish, French, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese and Spanish languages, and the playable leagues are England, Scotland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Brazil and a Scandinavian group of Sweden, Norway, Finland & Denmark.

For Futbol Manager, which will be available exclusively as a digital download on release, the demo includes all assets and is in Spanish and Portuguese, with Argentina, Brazil and Mexico as the leagues playable.

For Worldwide Soccer Manager, which will be available as a boxed game exclusively from, and as a digital download, the demo includes all assets and can be played in English (US), English, Spanish & French, with the MLS, Mexico, England and Italy as the playable leagues.

All of the strawberry versions of the demo are available both as download and torrent files. As always, for those of you who use torrents, please leave them open after you’ve downloaded so that others can still get good download speeds.

Whilst I was hoping to give release dates for the game today too, that has not been possible, as we’re still checking the master discs before going into manufacture early next week (as long as no issues are found). As soon as we have the release dates, we’ll announce it via the blogs. And I am as keen as anyone for the game to be in manufacture, as it means that I get to shave off the stupid beard I am currently sporting, and get a haircut, which is much needed!

And that’s it for now – in the meanwhile, we hope the demo brings you joy, fun and seasons in the sun. If you have any positive feedback, or constructive criticism, then please visit our forums where there will be a special thread for first impressions.



Official FM2008 Download Links

Official WWSM2008 Download Links

Official Futbol Manager 2008 Download Links